Molly’s Journals

Our one-month anniversary of coming to the woods
George and Molly gather firewood. Molly herds cats while George puts a porch on the shack.

leaf art

Friday, November 15th, 1991

It’s our one-month anniversary here. Snowy & Sox came outside this morning while I did very little else — watching cats takes time. Snowy did fine, but Sox began getting the wanderlust shortly before lunch, so she had to go back inside. Friend is able to negotiate the ladder to & from the loft.

George put a porch on the shack. Snowy likes it & it will be a good place to put muddy boots.

This afternoon we gathered a large amount of wood from an oak tree that had fallen. George chain sawed it into short lengths. Then he did an amazing impression of a samurai as he split many large crotch pieces — the kind that Chris says you need a hydraulic log splitter to do.

It’s warm tonight but rainy. Before the rain Chris brought us the stuff Mary got for us in town. That was nice. I would have hated to carry 8 ft. long 4x4’s up the hill — not to mention all the groceries & hardware.

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