
Well drilled in 1956
Producing formation(s): Oriskany
Geographic location: latitude 38.458815, longitude -81.76991

Visted first in 2009

This older well is on South Poca River Road between Doc Bailey Road and 47-079-01492.

The well is on a flood plain and at one time the tank was tethered so it wouldn't float off during a flood. The tank's tether cables hung unattached to the ground. We also don't believe the dike is adequate. When we visited the site the containment space was a third filled with water and because of the design of the dike (moat rather than usual dike) it wasn't possible to remove water -- the moat was being filled by high groundwater. Another problem with the tank was its siting right next to a perennial stream. Because of these issues the tank is a federal SPCC violation.

Other than the tank the site was well maintained and grassed. The short drive off River Road is graveled and is positioned so that a vac truck doesn't have to drive onto the floodplain to get to the tank.

The well itself was a distance from the tank and had well-painted metal and a nicely printed placard.

The tank is the most visible element of the well site. The stream is just to the other side of the tank and the river is a short distance to the north.

The well itself is barely visible in the distance.

The dike part of the moat isn't very high.

The stream is to the left. The dike was created by digging out a moat which when we were at the site was partially filled with water.

The well itself has a more traditional form of Christmas tree when compared to other wells operated by this operator that we've seen.

Other parts of the well equipment were closer to the road. The operator's choice of paint colors makes its wells fit visually in the environment.


Visited again in 2011

We visited the site, and two other nearby sites, in 2011 to create a YouTube video describing the deficient secondary containment.

This photos was taken in 2009. This well is sited between Poca River Road and the Pocatalico River. A permanent stream passes within feet of the 100 barrel condensate storage tank.

The tank, because it is on a flood plain, is supposed to be firmly tethered. In this instance, the tethers hang loose, unattached.

Note the moat-type secondary containment that is partially filled with water. The inadequate containment is lowest on the permanent stream side.


Gas Well Site Visits

Examining Well Sites
How We Examined Well Sites
Environmental Assessment

Table with Links to Wells Visited

47-039-05714 Environmental Assessment
47-079-01492 Environmental Assessment
47-039-02026 Environmental Assessment

2013 Gas Well Workshop

Gas Well Study is the examination of natural gas wells in West Virginia.

Underground Injection Control Class 2 Wells
These wells are used either for the disposal of oil and gas liquid waste or for the enhanced recovery of oil or natural gas.

Gas Well Study Site Visits
Annual reports, environmental assessments, and individual well information.

YouTube Videos
Select videos from the Gas Well Study YouTube channel.

What Happened at Fernow
An investigation into what caused the vegetation death in the land application area after landspraying hydraulic fracture flowback waste.

The Spill at Buckeye Creek
An investigation into a spill from a Marcellus well site into Buckeye Creek in Doddridge county.

The Details

Plunger Lift Technology on Gas Wells
Fluids Brought to the Surface during Production
Plugging a Well
How To Read a Lab Report
Information the Completion Report Provides
Casing and Cementing