Autumn 2022

I took a number of photographs this autumn which never quite caught the glory of the colors. I’ll post a few anyway. This and three following three photographs were taken on 14 October. The colors are nearing their brightest. Our woods are primarily hickory and oak with a few scattered pine, maple, beech, sumac, and […]

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Dear Deer

We have deer in our woods but most often the only obvious sign is either their tracks or when they’ve been in our yard and eaten the hostas. When we see deer it usually is when they are moving. Running away, that bright white flick of the tail is commonest. Even if we do spot […]

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The Beginning of Winter

I began raking leaves in our yard in October and finished (finally) in late November. I carried leaves over to the garden to cover the paths and beds. I carried leaves over to the compost pile in the garden. There are two large piles of leaves on the edge of the yard and finally I […]

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