Three Seasons

I haven’t been posting since the April windstorm for a variety of reasons. I hope this collection of photos and text makes up for that. We’ll begin a few days before the storm at Sock’s frog pond, a favorite location to take photos in the spring. When I took this photograph it was raining lightly. […]

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Wind Storm

Heavy rainfall was predicted for April 2. We had the rain but there were also extremely high winds. I was in town for a doctor’s appointment. Patients and staff sheltered in the basement there. Molly was on the ridge and experienced the worst of it. Bands of high wind crossed our ridge from west to […]

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A Bit of Summer Now That It Is Autumn

I’m a bit slower on the seasonal post this time. Something always seems to push itself ahead of going through photos to create a post, making adjustments to size and levels, and then sitting down to actually write the thing. This is being written at the time of year when our solar power allotment shifts […]

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