Drilling Industry Videos

YouTube has a large number of videos related to oil and gas exploration. Some are from the concerned environmentalist (ShaleShock) or surface owner (WVSORO) perspectives. It didn’t take industry long to realize the public relations potential. We’ll take a brief look at two industry leaders’ videos in this post. Chesapeake Energy has a set of […]

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Gas Well Study Updates

I’ve fallen behind in our updates so I’ll combine everything into one post. First off, there’s a great article from the New York Timesthat we highly recommend: “The Fracturing of Pennsylvania” by Eliza Griswold. The article appeared in last Sunday’s Magazine. It’s about the problems some people who have leased their minerals have experienced with […]

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A Visit to the Kanawha State Forest

Last Monday Molly and I took a day trip to the Kanawha State Forest. Molly and her parents had been there years ago but I never had. The Forest is about 8 miles south of Charleston and is beautiful. The CCC set up a camp there (Camp Kanawha) back in 1938 and built trails and […]

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