Regulation History
Created in 1983 and effective in 1983
Authorizes by rule for varying periods according to class existing UIC wells in WV program. Permits required for existing and new wells after expiration of permits by rule.
The regulation assumes existence of 46CSR9 also created in 1983. Requires compliance with 46CSR9 for Class 2 wells.
46CSR9 -- 1984 version
Created in 1983, effective January 1984 (state achieved primacy in December 1983)
Written note on rule says the rule was valid 1/1984-1/1986 and 4/1987 - 7/1987. What served as regulation during hiatus is unknown.
This is the basic set of regulations for UIC.
Appears to have been created in 1986, effective in 1987
This was the regulation for Class 2 wells. In the document group, the filed version is first, then an earlier draft version follows. House and senate bills for authorization by legislature follow.
There is no indication as to how long this rule was effective.
Transfer of UIC Program
In the late 1980s the Department of Energy's Division of Oil and Gas initiated a process with the EPA to assume control of the entire UIC program in West Virginia. It's unclear just how far the process went, but this 1990 document shows that an initial application had been made to the EPA. At some time the Office of Oil and Gas gained control of the Class 2 and Class 3 programs though it has not been possible to find evidence at the WVDEP or EPA that this control received EPA authorization.
An explanation of the Department of Energy's regulatory program is found attached to the June 1987 oil and gas regulation below.
46CSR9 -- 1987 version
Filed 1987, effective July 1987
This is a substantial revision of an existing regulation.
46CSR9 -- 1993 version
Filed in 1992, effective in 1993.
This is an amended version of the 1987 rule with text showing strike throughs and additions. This was the basis for the current 47CSR13 2002 version.
This is the 1994 version updated in 1997 to show agency and other changes.
This regulation is for permit and other UIC fees and is still current.
Oil and gas regulations
35CSR5 -- 1983 version
Revised with underlined additions and strikethrough deletions
Section 9 is devoted to operational regulations for underground injection.
38CSR18 -- valid April 1984 - June 1987
Section 9 is devoted to operational regulations for underground injection.
38CSR18 -- effective June 1987
Oil and gas has moved from Mining and Reclamation to Department of Energy.
Section 7 is devoted to operational regulations for underground injection.
Starting on page 41 of document is Department of Energy explanation for new range of regulations, including regulations for Underground Injection Control (38SCR15, above), moving regulatory control of Class 2 wells from Division of Natural Resources to Energy.
Oil and Gas Conservation Commission regulation
39CSR1 -- 1982 version
Section 5 is devoted to secondary recovery injection wells.
Historic State Code cited in regulations
22-4 Oil and Gas
1981 22-4
1982 Supplement
Page with links to West Virginia UIC Primacy application sections.
Page with links to Class 2 primacy documents from other states
Page with links to EPA Guidance and other relevant documents
Background Documents
Current Federal and State Laws
Historic State Laws and Regulations
Relevant EPA Guidance for UIC and Class 2 Injection
State Online Oil and Gas Databases
Technical Background, Seismicity, and Groundwater Contamination
Underground Injection Control Class 2 Wells
Introduction to Class 2 Wells in West Virginia
Collected documents and information for a number of Class 2 disposal wells and secondary recovery area permits
Searchable tables for UIC inspections, UIC permitting and MITs based on a copy of the Office of Oil and Gas' online UIC databases made in 2016.
Select wells which present important issues
A UIC well constructed without any cement behind the steel casing strings to protect groundwater.
A commercial UIC well where activity on the site contaminated groundwater.