These are documents that are useful for understanding technical aspects of UIC inspections, well construction, etc.
Texas Department of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Technical Assistance Manual
This is a collection of documents related to seismic events resulting from Class 2 injection.
EPA Region 3 paper on causes and solutions (parts of this document are used in the Region's response to comments for the Zelman #1 permit.
The Underground Injection Program managed by the EPA and primacy states was created under the Safe Drinking Water Act in order to prevent groundwater contamination.
Evaluation of Aquifer Contamination from Salt Water Disposal Wells
Background Documents
Current Federal and State Laws
Historic State Laws and Regulations
Relevant EPA Guidance for UIC and Class 2 Injection
State Online Oil and Gas Databases
Technical Background, Seismicity, and Groundwater Contamination
Underground Injection Control Class 2 Wells
Introduction to Class 2 Wells in West Virginia
Collected documents and information for a number of Class 2 disposal wells and secondary recovery area permits
Searchable tables for UIC inspections, UIC permitting and MITs based on a copy of the Office of Oil and Gas' online UIC databases made in 2016.
Select wells which present important issues
A UIC well constructed without any cement behind the steel casing strings to protect groundwater.
A commercial UIC well where activity on the site contaminated groundwater.